The study design was a comparison between patient-centred discharge instructions generated by prompting a GPT-based model and the doctor-written discharge summaries on which they were based. Evaluations included manual review by experts, and all evaluations of accuracy and safety were undertaken by investigators with qualifications in medicine or pharmacy.
The University of Sydney Research Integrity and Ethics Administration confirmed that the methodology of the study meets ethical review exception guidelines, as per the National Health and Medical Research Council National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. The study involved the use of existing collections of data or records that contain only non-identifiable data and was deemed to be of negligible risk.
Data sources
Discharge summaries were sourced from the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care IV (MIMIC-IV) version 2.2 database28,29,30. The database includes deidentified electronic medical records from over 40,000 patients admitted to the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre in Boston, Massachusetts, between 2008 and 2019. All investigators interacting with data from MIMIC-IV were credentialed users of the PhysioNet database. Discharge summaries were randomly sampled from the MIMIC-IV database and used in the development and analysis if they were written in English and if patients were discharged from hospital alive (Supplementary Table 5). Ten discharge summaries were used to help develop prompts and train investigators on the evaluations, and 100 discharge summaries were used in the main evaluation (Supplementary Table 3). Other information from MIMIC-IV related to the patients from the discharge summaries were not accessed or used.
Prompt development and selection
The GPT-3.5 model was accessed via the Microsoft Azure OpenAI service and met the requirements for safe use of MIMIC-IV data. A ChatGPT-like interface was developed to allow the safe access of GPT3.5 to test prompts on examples of discharge summaries from MIMIC-IV (Supplementary Figs. 1–3, Supplementary Boxes 1–3).
The language model takes a prompt and an entire discharge summary as inputs and generates a response. The response is not an extraction of the text in the discharge summary but newly generated text in response to the instructions provided in the prompt. Language models are known to be sensitive to small changes in prompts, so the prompt used in the analysis was developed through a process of iterative refinement and testing.
First, expert-derived examples of patient instructions were created. Five discharge summaries from the MIMIC-IV database were used to derive patient discharge instructions (including medication and action lists) by two investigators. Disagreements were resolved by discussion with the broader group of investigators. Following this step, prompts were iteratively refined and tested to produce responses that most closely matched five of the expert-derived examples using three prompt design approaches, including ‘direct’, ‘multi-stage’ and ‘worked example’ approaches (Supplementary Figs. 1–3, Supplementary Boxes 1–3). Investigators with clinical expertise scored each of the three prompts across each of five additional examples.
The prompt with the best balance between language complexity and accuracy was selected for the main analysis. The selected prompt was the ‘direct’ approach, which more often correctly represented medications and included more of the follow-up actions than the other prompts, while still reducing grade reading score and language complexity. Note that a two-step process where information is first extracted from the original discharge summary and then simplified to match the needs of patients may seem like a useful approach. However, the challenge with splitting the approach into two stages starting with information extraction (rather than retrieval augmented generation) is that the whole discharge summary provides contextual information that may be important to the details of the medications and follow-up instructions and direct information extraction would not be able to capture that context in the same way.
Analysis and outcome measures
Each response was independently scored by two investigators with expertise in medicine or pharmacy, comparing each response against the information available in the original discharge summary. Inter-rater reliability scores were calculated using Cohen’s Kappa for dichotomous variables and intra-class coefficient for proportional variables. Disagreements were resolved by discussion among the group, producing a final set of scores for each of the 100 discharge summaries. Descriptive statistics were also recorded, including the number of words, medications, and actions in the original discharge summaries and the responses.
Agreement between experts was higher for evaluating whether all discharge medications from the original discharge summary were included in the response (Cohen’s kappa 0.889), that no new medications were added (Cohen’s kappa 0.852) and the percentage of medications that were presented in UMS format (intra-class correlation coefficient 0.738). Agreement was lower for whether all actions from the original discharge summary were included in the response (Cohen’s kappa 0.521), that no new actions were added (Cohen’s kappa 0.569), the percentage of medications that were correct (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.438) and the percentage of actions that were correct (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.512).
Clinicians made note of any potential safety issues while evaluating the completeness and accuracy of the medications and follow-up actions, and these notes were discussed as a group to determine severity and provenance. Errors were categorised as errors of omission such as missing instructions, or errors of commission or translation such as a changed dose or route of a medication, inclusion of medications used during a hospital stay and not intended for use after discharge, where a new medication or follow-up action was introduced as a form of hallucination from the AI model.
The accuracy of the AI-generated responses was evaluated using three measures (Table 2). This included whether all medications and actions in the original discharge summary had been included in the patient instructions, whether responses included additional medications or actions that were not present in the post-discharge instructions within the original discharge summary, and the percentage of medications and actions from the original discharge summary that were included and correctly included in terms of dose, route, frequency and duration.
Health literacy was evaluated using three outcome measures (Table 2). Grade reading level and language complexity was measured using the Sydney Health Literacy Lab Health Literacy Editor24,31. Grade reading score estimates the level of education that most people would need to correctly understand a given text. The Editor calculates grade reading score using the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook, which is widely used in health literacy research32. Language complexity is the percentage of words in the text that are considered medical jargon, acronyms, or uncommon English words. This calculation was based on existing medical and public health thesauri and an English-language word frequency list. For both measures, lower values correspond to simpler text that should be easier to understand. Paired sample t-tests were used to compare grade reading level and language complexity scores between the original discharge summary and the AI-generated patient-centred discharge instructions. For medications that were prescribed up to four times a day, we manually determined the percentage of medications that were presented in the patient-centred discharge instructions in UMS format.
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